ReBOUND è stata scelta dai rivenditori rendere la restituzione degli articoli più semplice e spesso più economica per i propri clienti internazionali.
Utilizzando il nostro sistema di prenotazione online, è possibile spedire gli articoli al rivenditore tramite la nostra rete di sedi in tutto il mondo a costi notevolmente inferiori rispetto all’ufficio postale locale.
Ci proponiamo di offrire una varietà di metodi di restituzione attraverso vettori locali fidati e, nella maggior parte dei casi, la possibilità di tracciare il percorso di restituzione, in modo da garantire la massima trasparenza
Scegliendo ReBOUND, i rivenditori hanno adottato le misure necessarie per garantire un’esperienza di reso più semplice, più economica e più snella, in modo da offrire sia al cliente che al rivenditore una migliore visibilità dello stato del reso e da consentire al rivenditore di accelerare la procedura di rimborso.
You can view Missguided’s return policy on the Missguided site.
To organise a return, simply follow the steps in our booking process. Then print your shipping documents, enclose the returns form within the package, fix the label to the outside of your package and send the item back through your chosen method.
If you have chosen the paperless shipping method, please generate the barcode and take it to your closest drop off point, they will then print the label for you and attach this to your parcel.
If you have chosen a drop off service, take your return to the most convenient drop point. If you have chosen a home collection, then the courier will arrive at your chosen pick-up address on the date and time requested.
You can then track the status of your return until it is delivered to the retailers return warehouse.
After this point, the retailer will process your return and arrange for your refund in accordance with their specific returns policy.
Unfortunately Missguided are not able to process multiple orders returned in one parcel.
Please arrange separate returns via Rebound for each order.
If you have paid for your return label and no longer want to return, please contact Missguided with your order number and request to cancel the return. It usually takes 2-3 days for your return label fee to be refunded once the label has been cancelled.
Please send Missguided your order number/tracking number so we can investigate the status of your return.
If you see more than one ‘pending’ charge on your bank account, this usually happens when you click the ‘Backspace’ on the website during the payment stage. Do not worry, these will be automatically refunded within 72 hours.
If these transactions still appear on your account after 72 hours then please contact ReBOUND at hello@reboundreturns.com .
If you are having trouble registering a return, please contact Missguided with your order number and screenshots of the error message you are seeing.
Please send Missguided your order number and proof of drop off receipt so we can investigate why your tracking has not updated.